
Concerts gratuits à la Bellevilloise

La magazine FrancoFans, vous propose tous les mois de découvrir ses coups de cœur en chansons francophones lors d’un concert gratuit à la Bellevilloise. Ce mois-ci, découvrez Miva Boïka et D.U.O.

1 réaction à Concerts gratuits à la Bellevilloise

  1. This sounds so good. I know what you mean about not wanting anything too heavy. I love St. Ga7l;#821l&s cheese. This recipe reminds me of an appetiser we used to run as a special when we had our restaurant in the US. It was a Spinach, Artichoke and Shrimp dip made with a creamy gruyere cheese sauce topped with toasted pita bread chips. Will have to dig up the recipe now and have you and Kristen to thank for that :0)

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