
Découvrez la Face Cachée de Paris

Au travers de rendez-vous originaux, découvrez Paris autrement : pénétrer l’interdit, expérimenter l’inédit, rencontrer l’inconnu…
Vous aurez l’occasion, en réservant assez vite vos places, de rentrer dans un centre de tri des collectes, de plonger dans une usine de pompage, de découvrir le Paris du cinéma…

3 réactions à Découvrez la Face Cachée de Paris

  1. Granny, I'm glad you are getting some attention at your age, but please, for the sake of decorum, let's keep the Harlequin romance stuff prvnAte.aid if you are interested, I've got a good piece of aged wood for you.I have a feeling Granny is petrefied of this.

  2. Hmmm – I think you would have to be pretty blind to think Labour will fight this nicely Jamie, painting the Greens through their new ‘understanding’ with National as in the National Tent will be the very first thing Labour will say about the Greens -and any association with the Government at a time the country is tanking won’t play well.

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